another day of traveling

Mar 08, 2007 11:48

So my travel karma appears to be intact - meaning that it took me longer and involved more aggravation, but I made it safely and in relative good humor.
I sat around the airport in Houston for an extra two hours as my flight was pushed back, and pushed back, and pushed back, because snow at La Guardia was blocking visibility.
Then the flight itself was nice, I read a lot, did a bit of writing, drank some airborne, ate my brown bag lunch, and napped. When we landed there was a moment of 'holy cow, we're still going awfully fast - eeeeeeee, there went the brakes again' as the plane came skidding to a halt just short of the takeoff corridor. Then we turned neatly and hey, it's our gate!
The baggage claim was the biggest aggravation after all that, because it kept stopping completely. Eventually I did manage to get my bag and go outside to find the bus. I was confused because I'm used to taking a bus from Newark, not from La Guardia, but it turned out to be easy. The bus attendant was also very nice and told us where to sit inside so he could fetch us when it came; unfortunately when I got out there it had just left. Rar!
By now it was 6:00 and I was tired. The bus came, I found E, I had a moment of writing in the Starbucks in Grand Central while she finished at work, then we came home for a lovely evening of soup, cheese, writing, and laughter. Hurray!
I am here, safe, and we're going to a museum that I have never visited! Yay!

buddies, travel, nyc

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