Walked down to gamestop this evening to pick up "Rainbow Six: Vegas" for the 360 and on my route i passed the rear end of a staples office supply store. This is just a few blocks from the gamestop and i look over and i see a dumpster. out of the dumpster is sticking the 5 casters of an office chair. My curiosity was piqued. I walk over and low and behold sits an office chair, yeah, they took a razor blade to the leather, but other than that its in perfect condition, so its mine now!!!
Dumpster Diving for the win!
Pictures below, it could use some new upholstery, but its just fine for my needs.
off to drop some tango's in vegas now. Oh, if any of you have a 360 with Xbox Live, send a friend request, Penguin McCool, thats my name, dont wear it out.