Height is might

Dec 19, 2009 02:08

I forgot to eat breakfast and lunch. I would've forgotten about dinner too had my sister, together with her kids, not arrived with some home cooked meal. That's not normal, right? Who in their right mind forgets to eat?

Other than the food issue, I've made a lot of progress today. I finally managed to do something about my shoe rack -- I threw out stuff that are: a) too worn b) don't fit anymore (it's not like my shoe size could change at this stage in my life but for some reason, some shoes just no longer fit...) and c) are ugly as hell (what was I thinking buying them???). Also, I noticed that most of my shoes, whether they be pumps, sneakers, flats, slip-ons or not so sky high heels are white, or a variation of, or something close to white. I dunno why but it has become this obsession of sorts. It seems like I **cannot** buy footwear that's not white. I do have the occasional black ones but still...they're all practically white. For some reason, this freaks out my mom and sister but I have no clue why.

20 inches. That is how high the stack of notes/lectures that I've managed to accumulate in my two years at uni stands. NO JOKE. And yes, I actually measured. I'm a dork, remember? :P This had me thinking... Did I even read any of those? Closer inspection tells me that, indeed, I've read some of them. It wasn't that hard to tell as I usually dunk my stuff in a vat of pink, yellow and orange highlighter. It pains me to think how many trees died because of school. School sucks, seriously.

And this, ladies and gentlemen is how you make a nonsense entry. Thank you.


rl: geeky things, rl: mi vida es muy patética

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