For some reason, I clung on to the tiniest hope that the boys would sport different looks for the Inkigayo Comeback, but...
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I love you guys but please... FIRE YOUR STYLISTS.
Or at least get ones who aren't fans of:
a) SHINee - I see Taemin on the bass, Key on the drums.
b) Gundam Wing - Quatre on the lead guitar and Trowa rapping. (Wtf happened to
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It's the shape of his face plus the glasses. They really don't work well with the hair. Srsly, I wonder what he did to piss off the stylists so. :|
Like he'd actually get better because we talk about it... Still worth a shot, ne? I am obviously delusional.
IF IT WAS LIKE THIS THEN I'D TALK ABOUT IT OVER AND OVER THEN. It will make me feel less psycho fan for noticing such things, haha. Hm. I think this makes me quite a bit delusional too, haha. I think it's a fan(girl) thing.
The swaying is just. IT MAKES ME LAUGH. Like I can' t take them seriously because of it BUT I NEED TO SEE THEM DO IT ANYWAY BECAUSE. I think I enjoy watching them look ridic a little bit too much. D:
Remind me again why the dorkface is the leader???
THIS IS PROBABLY A RHETORICAL QUESTION I KNOW, but srsly my brain went all srz biz and started thinking of srz biz reasons, hahaha. dfsfgdgh OH LEADER ILU SO. ♥
Bright side with happy songs: Minhwan happily beating on his drums~ CUTE, CUTE, CUTE.
OH GOD YES. This is kind of why I love love love watching FT (Let's Go) performances, he always looks so happy!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D!!!
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