Jan 13, 2010 12:20
Dear other mages in my ICC raid last night,
ILU guys. But sometimes DPS has other jobs besides shooting lasers at bosses. Look, I don't mind being the only person decursing/dispelling on Lady Deathwhisper. I really don't. Since I took a break from raiding all you guys have much better gear, and, on the whole, much better DPS. So I don't mind.
But it sure would be nice if you didn't make sarcastic remarks about my awful total damage. You know I have like 75% of the dispels, right? Even after I keep asking you guys to spellsteal that ...whatever it's called, from the Fanatics? It increases your DPS. But you don't. So I wind up doing that too, and it's mostly wasted. Also: polymorph. We all have one. Please use it more because I hate running across the entire room to sheep an MC who is out of my range because you "dont' want to mess up rotation!!!111HURRR"
"lollem y u so bad?"
Because I'm doing my job AND yours.
PS: Druids. You guys have a decurse, too, you know.
wtf pixels make me angry,