(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 08:30

It seems that I write in here so sporadically that this journal itself is a cryptic mess. That's pretty much because I only tend to use it when I'm pissed off or down about something. And I never tend to explain the crypticness later. Oh well. Anyway, I thought it was about time for an update since its 8:33 in the morning and I have nothing to do until Jill gets here. The biggest new thing I guess is the fact that I'm no longer single. :D Jill and I have been going out for over a month now and things are going really well. We're going to Tahoe today which should be some fun times. Yesterday after coughing up blood while taking my morning shower I decided it best not to go to work (go figure) and instead went to the outpatient center at Sierra Nevada Memorial. After about an hour and a half of waiting--complete with dad asking "Is this really how long it normally takes to see a doctor in here?" and me responding "Yes, dad. It is" multiple times--and some xrays and blood tests I get the verdict....

a double whammy of bronchitis and mono! woot!

So that explains why I've been so freaking tired lately even after getting 12 hours of sleep I still felt like I needed a coffee to start off the day. I felt like something was wrong but the smoke has just been so prevalent here recently that I simply attributed my tiredness to it. I gotta say, mono sucks. I like moving in stereo a hell of a lot more. Lame joke, I know but I had to. Well, ok. I didn't have to but I did anyway. Ha. Well, it's now 8:49 in the morning so I think I've wasted enough time typing slow as hell here. Laters.
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