
Why am I awake?

Jun 29, 2005 05:36

After a very short, we'll call it nap, I am still wide awake. Grr i thought I had finally gotten myself on a normal sleep schedule. I was doing so good, 4 nights in a row I went to bed a decent hour and didn't sleep the whole day away. Now it would seem that I am back to my fall asleep when ever I can schedule. I hate this.

I think it's mostly because of the trip tomorrow (Thursday). On one hand I am getting pretty excited for it, on the other I feel sad. Sad because I know I will be leaving Rich and Kathy out there when I return. So there is a lot going through my mind right now.

Seeing as I am up and there doesn't seem much chance of me getting to sleep very soon, I will post about last weekend's trip.

Friday morning (5:30) Jasen and I arrived at PLR to meet up with his Mom, Sister, and Cousin. We then started the 4 hour drive out to Cedar Lake Lodge (C.L.L.). The drive was pretty good, first time I had been out that way since 1999.

Thursday night northwestern Ontario got hit with severe thunder storms. The storms Knocked down many trees and power lines. So when we go there on Friday they were still with out power. A person from a near by camp had a heart attack. He was brought to C.L.L.s landing to await paramedics. Due to the downed trees, it wasn't easy for them to get there. The man passed away while waiting for them to arrive.

Friday was spent for the most part helping out with cleaning cabins. Then a drunken game of poker where I cleaned out Jasen and two other guys. To bad we were not playing for real cash, As I had won over $200K.

The power came back on around 8 pm saturday. First thing I did was go to sleep. The worst thing about the power being out was not being able to have a shower. Pretty much the whole weekend I just got to relax, which was very much needed. I am glad I went. It's kind of crazy how quite it can be on an island.

Today is a pretty busy day for me. I am having lunch with my sister, plan on getting a hair cut, hanging out with keekapunk, maybe going to see a movie with her and Jasen, gotta finish getting ready for TO, hanging out with Jarret around 11 pm. and hopefully get to see nubule somewhere in between. Oh yeah plus a trip to Rich's to grab the his hard house records that I bought off him.

Well I am going to try this sleep thing once again.
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