Dear Journal:
Today I got to watch Invader Zim! It was so fun. And I had a thank you note from Alyssa and she is one of my best friends. Besides why should I be sad? I got to do everything that I wanted to do today. I even got to play at the play structure at the school and I got to play with my best friend and we got to play for ten mins. We both stayed for ten mins after school to play.
Yesterday I went to my godfather's work. We did special work and I got to print stuff out. It was "Take Your Kid to Work Day". It was so fun. In the morning we took the train there, to work. I printed stuff out and Ryan helped me get to so I could print stuff out. I ate lunch there and there was two other kids. We had hotdogs for lunch. I saw my friends Pascal, Dylan, and Noah. My godfather's office has a whole bunch of rooms. I got to meet everybody. I got to print stuff out. I saw a whole nice view out his window. From my house I saw something else. It was a big bridge that goes into the water and like if people go on it and they keep walking without looking they will fall into the water. It's the same thing I can see from my house.
This is me sitting at my desk.
This is me working with my godfather
This is me after I printed out my work