So like most people with eyes and ears in the city, I've been watching from afar the Occupy London movement. I don't know if this applies to most people, but over the weeks I've slowly gone from jaded skepticism to hopeful sympathy. Some days, when Kodiak is giving me shit for having a chronic cough and I start to totally dissociate from my surroundings and wonder if this is really all a master's degree can get me in a supposedly vibrant world-class city, the notion of pitching my own tent next to St. Paul's doesn't seem quite so crazy anymore. But I've got too many ties that I'd rather not sever, and free-market capitalist baggage it wouldn't be at all fair to shift onto the shoulders of those I care about, who have enough of a hard time carrying more than they deserve of the national debt and fallout from corporate malpractice. So I'm gonna see if I can't rustle up some cold-weather donations for the hardcore campers during the holiday season and leave my involvement with the physical occupation at that.
However, I definitely want to get closer to
this thing right here, which just became a Thing a few days ago. I was blown away at how well organized it is and how not-crazy-new-age-hippy-drum-circle it has gone since its founding. Granted quite a few of the workshops do sound a bit crazy new age hippy-ish, but then there are also the economics lectures, the brainstorming sessions, and the - gasp, concept! - responsible community services that are being filled in for an area that's been hard hit by the government cuts to child care and youth programs. The boycreature is not so convinced that there can be such a thing as noble vigilantism, and thinks the whole illegal appropriation thing sets a bad example, but on the other hand he's still a little curious to check out some talks. Personally I think it is the raddest thing to have come from the London incarnation of the Occupy movements yet, and I am excited to see how it evolves.
Also, I know this is old news in internet-time, but it still makes me squee:
Also also, NaNo update: 35,000 words, bitchez. I am COMING FOR YOU, winner's circle! And then possibly celebrating by helping to shut down London on the 30th. Because I was a good girl and responsible grad student for way too many of the student protests; these days I'm just being blue collar and generally fed up most of the time.