Apr 06, 2011 19:47
I am gonna need me some leather gloves >|3
And to get dem gloves, I'm gonna need me a jorb. Altho I gotta say, 45 quid (~70 bucks) cash-in-hand for three hours of sitting still? Another hell-yes. Modeling may yet be able to let me pay my way back home via plane when I visit the States in the summer, especially if I keep meeting awesome-sauce people like the tutor for this A-level (basically bachelor's degree caliber work done prior to bachelor's degree program application...because "college" is college, except when it's high school. Oh British education system.), who I suspect bumped up my hourly rate by two pounds because she likes the cut of my feminist jib ( o w o) This was a one-off class, but she is keeping me on the books for next fall and we are having coffee & talking statute law and youth culture at a later date.
BUT. Do not have the luxury of waiting until I make enough friends in arts education to keep food on the table consistently through putting myself on the table for drawring classes. So, off to cram-research a legal firm at which I landed an interview in the space of about two hours, thank you GODS, through a temping agency that actually works for ME.
Here's hoping they won't balk at the student visa (/)_<); otherwise it's finger's crossed for Fancy New Burger Place giving me a thumbs-up on Friday. Curse you, 20-hour term time work limit. From the depths of hell, I stab at thee with my plastic practice blade.
money it's a gas,
i doubt your commitment to sparklemotion,
the zombpocalypse is nigh,
cool things,
oh england