Dear whoever supplies the example sentences for Jim Breen

Apr 16, 2010 10:02

What the what now?

慎む (つつしむ) v. - to do in moderation; to refrain (from overdoing); to abstain
She abstains from drinking. (Okay, good for her.)

He said he would keep from chatting. (That's nice.)

Kindly refrain from smoking. (With you so far...)

Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen housemates! Please refrain from being pantless!

...One: Who is Miss Tanaka?
Two: Wait no, it doesn't matter! Who the eff are YOU telling Miss Tanaka her business? Given that you refer to her as "Miss," I am guessing you ain't her momma. And given that she is living with gentlemen housemates, I think it pretty likely that she is of an age where she can make her own decisions about who she is and is not pantless around.
Three: How the hell do you even know she is going around pantless in the comfort of her private living space? Sounds to me like you are one of two things - a gossip-monger or a voyeur. Who knows, you may be both. In which case you got NO business at all telling Miss Tanaka her business. Step off, Greasy McCreeperson.

In conclusion, I would desperately love to see Wanda Sykes crash a celebritard-roundtable variety show or a Diet session and just start laying into everybody. Also there has been a most tragical lack of the expression ノーパン in my everyday Japanese up til now. That will have to change.

i doubt your commitment to sparklemotion, lol japants, pantless o'clock, words

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