[I ment to do all this earlier, but I guess I just suck at blogging. Oh well.]
BLAH So much stuff has already happened since my last post.
Idon't even--IDK. I'll skip to the important stuff. Or do my best to.
[Table of Contents]
Skip to each section by ctrl+F ing each respective heading.
[1] Life Happens
[2] Figure Drawing Digitally in School
[3] Blah Random Doodles
Oh hey, I made these shiny looking new warning tags why not? :0
[1] Life Happens
I feel like ALL I've done in Taiwan was EAT and DRINK stuff ALL DAY LONG. FFFFF. I couldn't care less if I gain weight cuz it's so worth it, I'm going to go back to college in America and starve since there's nothing edible anyway. *sob* Other then that, DRIVING LESSONS. Ok, I'm actually doing rather well so far, but I still need to pull the Asian Woman Driving Joke --->
Bahhh, I dunno, I think my body is being fickle. One second I'm tired the other I'm ok. Though that was probably due to Jetlag and my cold from the week before in New York. I remember getting headaches or migraines (what's the difference again?) on and off and on and off which rather discouraged me to look at a computer screen since that seemed to be when it usually happened. That was last week, I seem to be more or less fine now...IDK. Summer screws with your sense of date. xD;;; See, what also happened around last week (or 2) ago was getting my eyes checked out and the Doc going, "You might have Glaucoma in your right eye, better come check again" GLAUCOMA?! SRSLY!? FUUUUUUUU---So my mom spent the whole time freaking out about this and I guess I was a little freaked out too. I did actually just get back from another doctors a few hours ago and they said my eyes are fine. SECOND OPINION THANK YOU. ;u; Still, I realize I really need to take better care of my eyes and get off the computer every 30 minutes or every hour. T-take care of your eyes everyone, they are so important. Especially my fellow artists, we'd be so screwed without our vision. ;u;
SO YEP. All I have left to report is I'm flying to Singapore tomorrow to see my lil bro and High School. My lil bro tells me that the internet in her house might be kinda wonky, I hope it will still be good enough so I can get online and do internet chores. Speaking of internet chores, ALMOST DONE WITH ALL MY MESSAGES ON HERE AND DEVIANTART. DX The only drawing I've done lately is the stuff I've forced myself to do in my sketchbook traditionally, but all my major digital pieces I can't concentrate on if I still have internet chores. It's always been like that, but now that I'm almost done with these I can get back to my LATE LATE LATE Sherlock Xmas Project. =u=;
So yeah, the few drawings I have done or just forgot to post or whatnot next, other then that, see you all around!
[2] Figure Drawing Digitally in School
So awesome that my teacher let us use digital media if we wanted to since I finally got to experience that? Life Drawing digitally. I really enjoy it! Just. Need. To. Draw. Faster. >A< I think this one took the whole class period which is 2 hours and 45 minutes, so about 3 hours. :I
This model is awesome. The first time she came in she was fully decked out ROCOCO STYLE. With the wig and EVERYTHING! Too bad I don't have a scan of the drawing I had, actually no, it was a crappy drawing anyway since I basically overslept and missed that whole class. =u=;
And then a still life for Color class. :0 I just put this here cuz I like the bottle. It was fun. I think there's something wrong with the yellow. OTL.
[3] Blah Random Doodles
What Zenyr Has Original Characters? What?
Ahaha, I just haven't felt like drawing them, the older crew that is, I've worked on the story and characters since 6th grade, but now I just feel like it's too ANIMU DESU. =A=;; Dunno, currently a little bored of them but I'll pick em up sometime in the future, or just revamp the whole thing (Plus the Sherlock Cast is just TOO MUCH MORE INTERESTING I can't help it). But other then that, here's the set of characters that I'm actually keen on drawing because they were designed more recently. Basically, an Earth Day themed Mafia Family inspired and made for a contest by
Kittypaint for her lovely
Holiday Mafia webcomic. OuO (how cool is that?) My actual entry/huge ass reference sheet about these guys can be found
This is Mr. Spring. His actual name is Emeth Reed. But everyone calls him Mr. Perfect.
And this is Ms. Winter which a cup of Hot chocolate. How do I dresses and anatomy? OH WELL AT LEAST THIS IS A CHIBI.
And now for something completely different:
I don't care much for Naruto but my roommate really likes it and her favorite character happens to be Sasuke but thankfully not for the retarded reasons. We like to make fun of his love for tomatoes apparently.
I haven't watched My Little Pony yet, but I saw all these drawings ppl did of themselves as a pony, and I was bored so this happened. MY PONY SELF HAS REALLY INTERESTING CONVERSATIONS WITH THE FACE ON MY PONY BUTT. But mostly it tells me to FEED IT.
I did this the other night after Dumblr distracted me from sleeping again. AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN ACCOUNT YET. WHY U LIKE A DRUG INTERNET WHY!?!?
- Zenyr