---So you're welcome to kill me with a British branding L9-A1.
Cookie to anyone who caught the reference there. Wait, maybe that's too obvious?
Anyhow, someone asked for a wallpaper version of
Lazy Sunday and I thought, why not. It's easy enough to whip up anyway. XDD And since I had more wall-space in the picture to work with, I added the smiley and bullet holes from The Great Game. owo Mmmm, maybe I ought to add something from Blind Banker too so then there will be references to all of season 1 in this? *shrugs*
Click on images for Larger Version~
Here's a version without the smiley and bullet holes in case anyone wants it that way. o3o
So there's at least ONE new thing here. ;w;
E-Enjoy. I still feel like a douche for re-posting something that's been seen before, I probably should have just edited the old post but choose not to because I'm practically OCD and it messed up my organization. @w@;;