Blade Chapter 1

Dec 01, 2011 00:22

Title: Blade Chp 1
Pairing:Topri, Gri, TaeDae
Genre: fluff, hurt
Rating: Rated R (I only put this because there might be some scenes)
Summary: Seungri is tired, and does not get it.
A/N: MY FIRST FIC! Please go easy on me

They are going out, they are going out, they are going out, I repeat like a mantra in my head. So where does that leave me? This has been running through my mind all day.

They have been dating behind my back, all of them. I just barely found out a week before the EMA awards. I started to get suspicious after the not so secretive glances they shot at each other, and for some reason I would always be in between them. You would think if they were going out they would sit next to each other, but maybe that would be to obvious.

I breathe out a groan, frustrated with all this thinking. I started to rub my temples hoping that it would help but it didn’t. It also didn’t help that I was washing dishes at the time so I got a few suds in my eyes.

This day has been getting worse and worse. Not only did I find out that Taeyang and Daesung are going but the cheery on the top had to be that Gd and Top were a thing.

I kind of guessed that Bae and Dae hyung were going out; they were never that great at keeping secret. My first reason for suspecting them of going out would have to be when I came home late, due to schedule, heading to Daesung and my room so as to collapse on the bed, only to be met with a frantic Taeyang rushing out our room. His hair was disheveled, his shirt was backward and his pants were unzipped. Not to mention they had this glow that I could not really explain.

I put down the dishes and sat down in the living room.

It wasn’t that I was jealous or mad per say, if I had to describe my feeling, it would simply be hurt. I mean I am old enough to handle these kinds of situation; I have no problems with gays. I was hit on by tons of them. So why was it so hard for them to tell me?

Now I am here in our living room completely alone, when we should all be out together, celebrating our comeback from Europe.

It doesn’t matter… they are still Big Bang without me

If people ask what role do I play in the group it is just, vocals and dancer. Not the lead vocal because that belongs to Daesung and not the lead dancer because that belongs to Taeyang. They would respond with a confused face and say “so basically a backup?” I usually just laugh off the comment and distract them with a random subject, but deep down, I am hurting.

What makes me so important? I am just a manake… But even if I wasn’t there Daesung could still be the manake.

Breathing out a heavy sigh I go back to doing the dishes.

I always like doing the dishes. I can channel all my anger and frustration and other problems out on the weak and cheap dishes. I am also grateful for these kinds of days, where Daesung tries to cook, but that always ends up the same way, with a burn pot.

I grab the said pot and start scrubbing out the black tar that was supposed to be fish.

After an hour or so with the pot, it is finally clean. I only have the knives and utensil to clean then I can head to bed.

As I grab one of the knives I start to stare intently at it. The slick blade that has cut numerous food and objects, yet still remain sharp. Running my finger down the sharp edge, I feel this sort of adrenaline in the pit of my stomach. Then I hear him.

“Just do it”

Him, or as I like to call him my F. He is me but the me who always resort in giving up, the opposite of victory. I could always ignore his comments and had repressed him in the back of my mind, but somehow he got out… at the worst moment.

“No one is here to stop you.” He is right… no is here to stop me.

I position the blade against my wrist, seeing the colored veins.

“Come on… Do it! No one is here. No one will miss you, if they do love you, care for you, you would be out with them right now and not here listening to me” He cackles

“That is true” I start to ever so lightly run the blade across increase pressure”

“That’s right just do it fast and be over with. The least you can do, to get back at them is make them see what they caused you to do.”

I start to see blood coming out. It is so red… so beautiful, such a shame for a nice color to be mixed with such a dirty floor.

About to finally slice the cords that is tying me to this life till I hear a loud


Stopping me from my actions.

gri, topri, taedae

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