His Name is Balder Moon

May 17, 2009 16:33

Why? Because I refuse to name a (mostly) black cat Shadow or something else stereotypical. OTOH, the moniker suits him well.

As you can tell, his right eye is a bit wonky. When I first got him, it was almost swelled shut. Upon a trip to the vet, I found out he had a Herpes virus in his eye and Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR). He has been on meds ever since and has made dramatic improvement. He's still on the eye ointment until the swelling is gone, but other than that, he's running around here like the yearling he is. Today was the first day he was let out of isolation, and The Girls are very not happy about it. Lots of hissing and growls, but so far no fights. I'd like to keep it that way.

Here's a photo of him attempting to stand still. If you look closely, you will notice that he's actually a black tabby.

I managed to make it to the Project Grow plant sale yesterday. Had I known that their big sale was last weekend, I would of gone after class. Oh well. I did manage to grab every kind of pepper they had, three different types of basil, and some tomato plants for myself* and others. Auntie and I got out of there in record time; it helped that I went there straight from work. We're hoping to make it to Flower Day next Sunday, but it's going to be another commando run as I have to be done, drop her off, and back to A2 for class at noon. Crazy schedule, but doable.

I also have some plants that I would like to trade if anyone is interested. I've got some peppers (hot and sweet), cherry tomato, and a white pumpkin that could use a good home. I can dig up descriptions if need be.

*Yes, I abhor raw tomatoes, so why am I growing them? I bought the ones for canning and cooking. I did this last year and it was nice to go out, grab a few and throw them into a dish. I have also seen some wonderful recipes for tomato based sauces that I'd like to have on hand so I can make quick meals.
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