Feb 28, 2009 17:37
I so want Spring to arrive, I'm ready to scream. Apparently, I'm not the only person who's in this mindset.
After getting an e-mail stuffed with gardening links and talking to some people while out shopping this morning, they are feeling the same way. Even the florist was itching to get her hands in dirt. This winter dreck has gone on too long, and I want GREEN STUFF DAMMIT!!!
This year I'm going to try growing some of my flowers and/or veggies from seed. I saved some from the red peppers I grew, but didn't get a chance to eat b.c. they literally rotted on the stem or only one pepper was acquired and then the plant quickly died. While at the gardening store, I bought some peat pellets and other seeds so I can see if this experiment works. If it's successful, I may be brave and drop the cash to get some grow lights and do this on a regular basis. Even now, I have hard wheat berries soaking in water so I can plant cat grass just so I have an excuse to get my hands dirty. The other thing I'm mulling over is how I want my yard. My goal is to remove a lot of the dated, high maintenance and downright ugly bushes that I currently have and put in things that I would prefer (translation: rip everything out and start fresh), not to mention, get rid of those nasty rocks and put down something nicer looking. My only concern is the time commitment, as I work a lot during the summer months. As it stands, I'm lucky to get the grass cut every other week. I'd like to do more of a perennial garden so I just have to put in a few annuals for accent here and there.