Feb 12, 2006 17:36
Why can't I stop thinking about her? God, it's like fire ants on the brain. Why do I have to want what I can't have? I can't say this is driving me insane because I know what that's like, but it is incredidbly aggravating.
I never thought it was much to ask. I'm just so tired. I can't stand being alone. I know I have to be patient, but sometimes it gets the best of me. They say everyone has a God shaped hole in their hearts, but what about the other holes. I've filled my God shaped hole, but now I want to fill in the rest. I want to patch the small wants and needs, and I want to do it now, but I know I can't.
Emotional isolation can do funny things to the mind. Sometimes the listeners and advice givers need to take a break from listening and use their own advice. I know that was a really round-a-bout way of saying I need to follow the same logic I tell others too, but I couldn't help it.
*bigger sigh*
I wrote something new last night and put it up on fictionpress. I already got a comment on it so I'm happy about that. I suppose it helps to stay positive with the little things to get you through the need for patience with the big things. Here's a look at my newest.
-All of Me-
I am a human, a person, a man.
I have needs and wants, desires and dreams.
I am not rich or famous, a genius or an athlete.
I do not have much to give,
but I can promise to give it all.
I am nothing great, or even much to speak of,
but I would give you all of me.
To you I would give my heart.
To you I would give my mind.
To you I would give my soul.
To you I would give all that is mine to give,
and would ask nothing in return
I don't do this because I have to but because I want to.
While I deserve nothing back,
I would hope for only one thing:
For all I would give for nothing at all,
I would hope for you in return.
It is no demand, nor even a request.
It is naught but a humble wish upon a star
That I pray one day will be granted.
A. S. F. 2/11/06
I know I'm a stickler for repeating themes in all my work, but I can't help it. Anyway, I'm 3 poems short of finishing the book. I say 3 because I promised Jesse I would use the same number as her jersey number. Well, that's all for now. Later.