Nov 06, 2008 14:25
I’ve lived in Ohio all my life and have grown up around all sorts of people. I have heard all kinds of points of view from family and friends and am, for the most part, pretty tolerant about dealing with them. There ARE however, times when my blood boils and people’s ignorance and lack of tolerance for the world around them just shoves me over the edge.
For years, we've all heard the republicans and conservatives telling the "left wingers" that if they don't like their country, they can get out....leave...quit whining and move, and all the other fun little "take it up the ass" comments they like to make. Well, over the years there have been MANY times when I wished I COULD leave...or at least move out of the bible belt of stinkin Ohio. Ohio never voted in majority the way I hoped it would, it never viewed things in majority the same way I wished it would, and Ohio certainly never held the ideals I dreamed people would have in majority….until this election.
I am floored by a blue Ohio! I was speechless to see that we, those of us who wanted a change, came together in mass by some of the largest numbers in history to tell the world that we aren’t that Ohio anymore. I say that again with much relief…..we are NOT that Ohio anymore. No longer can predictions be made that people here just “aren’t ready for change”.
Did we speak loudly enough for you this time? Did we repudiate the conservative right loudly enough for you???
The time has come for us "left wingers" to return the favor and look out at the red states, the fundies, and all those who prefer to hold fast to lies, outdated and cruel ways of thinking, and say......"LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT FOLKS!". Don't like our country now? You don’t like that the majority of this country wants freedom in ALL areas of it’s existence? You can’t handle that an African American, highly intelligent and well spoken man could rise from the ground on up to lead this country? Gonna whine about your rich pocketbooks and selfish ideals or thump your bibles on the wall in hopes to be heard?? Want to tell me that the country is going to hell in a hand basket because now some “antichrist” is in office? I'd say karma came around this time and bit you in the ass. The people are tired of your values, your extremist views, and your exclusion and intolerance for the multi-cultural America we 100% ARE!! Oh and for the record… you’re welcome to head somewhere else (Alaska has plenty of room up there). Yeah, the felt good to say.
An historic moment has come where tolerance and the hopes and dreams of people who want unity, beat out the ignorance and intolerance of a previous nation. This election gives me hope that when my children are old enough to vote, this country will listen more to it’s people and everyone in it, not just the religious right. That the “fake America” will be those who previously had control, the ones that cannot move forward and lose the fear and hate of old and ignorant values.
There’s a new America now. One led by someone who was told he couldn’t make it and in the face of ugliness, he held fast in the believe of so many of us that want to set aside our differences. And we spoke up and stood beside him Tuesday night. And I’m damn proud that my voice, for the first time ever, was heard in such a monumental way.