Which One Are You?

Feb 03, 2013 13:02

Getchen Rubin of the Happiness Project fame asks: Which personality type are you?

Her four categories are:

Upholder-accepts rules, whether from outside or inside. An upholder meets deadlines, follows doctor’s order, keeps a New Year’s resolution. I am an Upholder, 100%.

Questioner-questions rules and accepts them only if they make sense. They may choose to follow rules, or not, according to their judgment.

Rebel-flouts rules, from outside or inside. They resist control. Give a rebel a rule, and the rebel will want to do the very opposite thing.

Obliger-accepts outside rules, but doesn’t like to adopt self-imposed rules.

I'd be the obliger. Love to make rules. But unless compelled from without, rarely follow the rules. Hubris and self-delusion means that I continue to remain hopeful that I might follow self-imposed rules, so keep on making them and keep on breaking them.


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