Sep 28, 2005 16:09
If a single person can give me one well backed reason why our President hates black people then I will give you........two cookies......
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I personally dont agree with a lot of his policies, but Im not one to hate for no stupid reason. I love what he has done with the place, especially after Clinton finally got out....whew. Its just sad that more college age kids are now interested in politics......but not to be reasonable, to be investigative repoerters who want to find all the dirt and just be homosexual altogether.
Wow, I need to stop typing......I dont even know what I just typed....a looong ramble. But yeah, I will defend who I want :o) Someones gotta like our President, and that would be me.
Anyways, little side note: Did you know that the democratic party is possibly nominating Ben Afleck as a Virginia senator?? Wow......Im no politician, but why on earth are the Democrats playing the hollywood card more often these days? Like with the whole supporting Fahrenheit 9/11 and such. Dont they know that a lot of people arent as mindless as to say "well I see him on them there moving pictures a lot, Ill vote for 'im!" I guess thats what they're hoping for.....makes me sick.
Please give me as much opinionated garbage as you want. I dont mind :o) I think opinions are great, they are what makes us US. So if you want, lemme have it. Take care!
i can't hold back a small jibe about hollywood liberals. who the fuck is the governor of your homestate again? ahah and what's his party? :). and fahrenheit 9/11 doesn't have fuck-all to do with putting actors in political positions. peace.
Anyways.....I thought that the state of Louisiana said that their levy was just fine being able to withstand a class 3. Thats what Ive heard anyways. I dont really watch news and all since I dont have any sort of cable in my room ;o) so Im just going off of what Ive heard and what not. But yes I did hear all about the head of FEMA resigning and accepting blame and what not.....but I guess people are still pointing the finger at Bush *cough cough* ;o)
Take care buddy!
having done further research, the levees were intended to withstand a category 3 hurricane, but when congress proposed an $11 million budget for hurricane prevention, Bush counter-proposed a $3 million dollar budget. Subsequently, the US Army Corps of Engineers did not have the funding to finish construction on the levees, or to do the necessary repairs. They warned that the pump system and levees in certain districts of New Orleans (which happen to have been flooded), would not hold in Category 3 conditions. Take it easy bro-
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