I need a chemistry tutor for Chem 2 poops on me daily.

Jan 29, 2007 15:25

My other classes, though requiring tons of time, are considerably easier.

History of the Middle East: The well-dressed, tall Iranian professor stands at the front of the room very poised and dignified. I would be intimidated by him except for the fact that he has a bandage on his chin at every class, so c'mon, how am i supposed to take him seriously? I am atleast 250 pages behind in the reading because amazon.com takes atleast forever to deliver books. Luckily, I just found out that one of the required reading is on reserve at the graduate school library. Thus I can do my reading and check out grad students at the SAME TIME.

Black World Literature: I'm afraid I'm a sucker for old white man literature. How awful is that? I mean, I'm sure I'm going to thoroughly enjoy much of the work we will be reading in the class, but when it comes to discussing culture and the female role in class...I dunno, I just get bored. The class is just a little too...englishy for me. The professor, though, is this awesome elegant bald and beautiful black lady that typed out her syllabus in my favorite font-garamond. Maybe I'm just not fond of big English classes. Beh, it'll get better.

Chemistry: As I said, it metaphorically poops on me like, aaaaall the time. It's quite interesting though. It's much more satisfying to really grasp chemical concepts than bio ideas.

Biology: Population genetics...eh. Not bad at all, but the labs are going to be awful.

Man I'm BUSY this semester.

P.S. At which community college in NY should I take physics?
P.P.S. Ugh, noone is going to answer me bc you're, you're, all a bunch of English majors like me!
P.P.P.S I'm so much slower this semester. Therefore, I will swear off bad substances bc when you're as mentally unstable as I am, they can really fuck with you.

Yo Nelly, did Aviram friend you on facebook? His status is: Aviram is in the army. loool.
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