2012 movie list

Jan 01, 2012 22:34

Keeping track of the movies I see for the first time.


01The Muppets20114
02Sherlock Holmes: a Game of Shadows20113
03Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol20115
05Antichrist20091 or 4*
06The Three Musketeers20111
07Sucker Punch20113
08Journey 2: the Mysterious Island20123
09Sophie's Choice19823
10Love Comes to the Executioner20062
11The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo20114
12Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close20113
13The Artist20115
14We Need to Talk About Kevin20114
15The Descendants20114
16Marcy Marcy May Marlene20113
17Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant20091
18Guess Who's Coming to Dinner19674
198 (the Play)20123
20Crazy, Stupid, Love.20114
23Parêdo || Parade20094
25Pulp Fiction19944
26The Hunger Games20125
28The Philadelphia Story19403
30Rang Zidan Fei || Let the Bullets Fly20103
3128 Weeks Later20073
32Into the Wild20071 or 4**
33In Bruges20084
34The Prince and Me20041
35Midnight in Paris20113
36The Vow20122
37The Avengers20125

Doing the ratings thing a little differently this year, so:
1 = why is this even a movie what am I watching
2 = it could be worse, I guess.
3 = nice, nice. Solid, decent film.
4 = really enjoyable!
5 = aaaah totally awesome I want to make out with it.

*Re: Antichrist. I get what von Trier was trying to do, and I hate that, but I can kinda appreciate the way he went about doing it.
**Into the Wild. Like Antichrist, I really liked how the movie was shot and acted, but couldn't get over just how much I disliked the protagonist. I hate that they've made him into some kind of tragic hero, and romanticised his death, because to me, at best he was selfish and naive, at worst, totally idiotic.

This entry was originally posted at http://heywilma.dreamwidth.org/226658.html.

list, fannish: movies

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