for all the right/wrong reasons

Mar 31, 2011 21:49

I find that I tend to be more impressed by bad movies upon initial viewing. Unless something completely blows me away, I often need to watch a movie a second time to register how good they are. Case in point: Speed Racer (look I make absolutely no apologies for loving this movie), Lords of Dogtown (not one person I know has seen this, why why why), Mean Girls (I know), Sense and Sentibility (I'm sorry Mr Palmer), etc etc. Now The Kids are All Right has to be added to that list.

This is problematic because I tend to overrate bad movies and underrate good ones. If I could take back my glowing reviews of X-Men: The Last Stand, I would. If I ever recommend you a movie I've just seen, and just saw for the first time, ask me if I mean it.

fannish: movies

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