dear yule goat

Nov 12, 2009 23:36

Dear Yuletide author,

Thank you in advance for the fic you are about to write! This is my first year participating, so I believe the cherry-popping will be extra sweet :>

Some general kinks/quirks/squicks: my button-pushing trinity of kinks are fights, tears, and bromance, with optional HoYay. Also hurt/comfort. I will gladly lap up slash, and/or PWP, but my main loves are het and gen. The exploration of non-romantic love, like between friends or family, is kind of my crack. And while only really one of my requests lend itself to this, I am not a very big fan of incest.

I love both canon and AU settings, though any crack would ideally be somewhat grounded in reality. I'm a sucker for happy endings, but some of my favourite stories have made me want to have a good cry in a corner, so it definitely depends on how it goes! Any of the specific details in my requests are really mere suggestions, and very optional. Believe me when I say that basically seeing anything from my requested fandoms taking form in delicious prose will render me into a keymashing puddle of happy fangirl.

Speed Racer: Racer X/Speed Racer

Racer X fascinates me, he does. As does his alter ego, that whole playboy millionaire persona. The backstory to the cultivation and separation of his three identities would be so interesting to see, in a prequel scenario. And I believe my request form has the sequel scenario!

The Graveyard Book: Nobody Evans Owens

A boy alone in the world - sure he's learnt all his parents and tutors could teach him, and sure, he has had some experience with the real world, but the outside is such a different place to the Graveyard. Maybe it'll be overwhelming, maybe it won't. A fic is the most effective argument there is, either way :D

Lost in Austen: Elizabeth Bennet

I think my love for continuations/filling the gaps has been adequately expressed here *g* It always amused me how at home (albeit... in the strangest way possible, of course) Lizzie seemed in the 21st century, and how she took everything in stride. This is really pretty open, and I would be placated simply seeing our favourite heroine dealing, or trying to.

Again, thank you. I am looking forward to this like you wouldn't believe :3

♥ Jenni

fannish: writing, yuletide

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