Thu, 12:43: RT @ justinwolfers: Nerds everywhere, rejoice. You can now grab properly formatted citations directly from Google Scholar. ...
Thu, 20:05: RT @ TweetsofOld: San Antonio girls look like bandits in skirts, with their broad brimmed felt hats, and parasols hanging like swords at ...
Thu, 21:14: Romney is being funny at AL Smith dinner.
Thu, 21:26: Obama also being funny at Al Smith dinner. Chris Matthews behind him seemingly having a mild coronary, but I think he's laughing.
Thu, 22:07: I need to get busy selling some of my junk on eBay so I'll have spare cash to buy more junk.
Fri, 00:33: Some pundits said that Romney's jokes were meaner to the Prez than Obama's were to him. I didn't get that sense. Not that I minded, but ow.
Fri, 00:36: Salada blueberry Purple Antioxidants Green Tea. My favorite.