Thu, 21:16: RT @ JohnFugelsang: PS- That Ambassador killed in Benghazi was one of those Americans Paul Ryan thinks shouldn't be able to marry who he ...
Thu, 21:22: RT @ EricSteigleder: "I've been friends with Bibi for 39 years." Joe Biden's version of "I won't hold my opponent's age 7 inexperience ag ...
Thu, 21:22: oooh. Facts matter. I just got a boner.
Thu, 21:49: Have I missed it, or has Ryan still not laid out specifics of their plan?
Thu, 21:50: Oh, I didn't miss it. Thank you, Martha.
Thu, 21:51: "You guarantee this math will add up?" Uncross your fingers before you answer, Ryan.
Thu, 21:52: My ribs hurt too much for me to keep laughing this much. #VPdebate
Thu, 21:53: "Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy?" eheheheh
Thu, 22:15: "This debate is indeed historic!" Oh, frick, religion and abortion.
Thu, 22:34: Whew. I need a cigarette. Too bad I don't smoke.
Thu, 22:50: RT @ chrisrockoz: If you want to prevent abortions, you make sure everyone has health care, a high school education and birth control. No ...
Thu, 22:59: Okay. Debate over, post-debate analysis dull, going back to bed. Also, FYI, my ribs hurt.
Fri, 06:41: RT @ justinwolfers: A truly great Nobel Peace Prize. Economic, social & political integration have kept an historically war-torn cont ...