Thu, 13:56: Avengers back in theaters for Labor Day Weekend! Whee! I'll get to see it for the sixth time! And the seventh, and ...
Thu, 22:50: RT @ pourmecoffee: Football starts tonight and I will be re-allocating the parts of my brain that were caring about America and other peo ...
Thu, 23:59: @ wolfluznicky where the heck are ya? My life is incomplete without your tweets
Fri, 00:16: Woodchuck Granny Smith Hard Cider is my new jam.
Fri, 00:17: Just a couple hours after Clint's epic speech at the #RNC we already have #eastwooding . I love you Internet never change.
Fri, 00:44: Did anyone translate what Huntsman said about Romney in Mandarin on Colbert yet?
Fri, 01:12: The tap-tap-tapping at my chamber door turned out to be dying cicadas throwing themselves at the porch light. Not a crazy stalker. Okay then
Fri, 11:35: Laugh all we may about Clint Eastwood's unscripted speech at the #RNC - the crowd loved him. That's all that matters.
Fri, 11:51: RT @ BigFatWhale: "Fact-Checker Column." I'm so old, I remember when the entire newspaper was the fact-checking section.