You used to come off easy, now it's like seeing the pope

Mar 24, 2009 14:05

Last night, when I was trying to sleep, that line popped into my head. I've been feeling rather isolated lately. Plus I dreamt of a king who came into my coffee shop and was a complete asshole.

I should be doing my homework instead of googling octopi and playing flash Koi koi. But it's that time of the year again when I lose all motivation for studying and start feeling like crap about going to classes. Don't want to go... Want to google stuff...

I have classes again tomorrow, and I should prepare a presentation on grammar. It pisses me off for no good reason that since we don't have enough grammar to go around, some people get a break from doing them for two weeks at a time. And I'm not one of those people. I'm totally done with thinking that it's because I'm more reliable than other people in class, because it's not true. What is true is that I don't fall sick as often as some other people or be inexplicably MIA as much as some other people. But thinking I'm being relied upon because of that doesn't make me feel at all special or needed. It just makes me feel pissed off. The way I see it I should be rewarded and not punished...

Think happy thoughts!

I'm reading Time's Arrow by Martin Amis. It's eventually going to be about Nazis.

This morning I watched some Sengoku Rance game play videos on Youtube. It looks insanely difficult. But there're like a dozen different roots (or routes, they're the same in katakana), so at least some of them should be easier... I guess any root that involves Uesugi Kenshin is either really easy or really hard, since otherwise I can't explain all the Kenshin-moe. I hope it means it's difficult, because I don't like Kenshin. No moe.
I'm kind of hoping I'll get over Sengoku Rance before an opportunity to get it cheap presents itself. Because I can almost taste the wasted hours. Or rather, the wasted life.

language, sengoku rance, random, unsympathetic to nazi war machine, google, uni, books

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