(no subject)

Jul 17, 2001 15:16

As I sit down this afternoon I am dawn to wondering, if this is to be a journal should I not write something serious that pertains to me as a person, as an individual. Perhaps I should become philosophical, debating, offer up some tidbit of ethical morality or even make excuses why I am the way I am.
I've been reading through random journals of people that, even in the remotest of senses, I know nothing about. Yet I find they have, more often then not, one thing in common- explanations why their life on the whole is unbearable. Not that this is inherently a problem for it's an adequate way to express doubt, guilt, and the all out despotism of their lives. What bothers me is that far too often others place their blames and problems on the shoulders of their people.
I have one strong belief, we has humans have one power that no other living creature on this planet has. It is a special magical power. Choice. Yes and No. To Leave or Stay.
There you go boys and girls I just discovered the meaning to life. Choice.

Now on to some other concerns that I have. Ones more pressing, dealing with things that truly touch our lives. What I'm talking about is of course is... Zombies. Now am I the only one that is rather hostile on this matter?
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