(no subject)

Mar 04, 2010 06:34

Firstly, before I begin this journal entry, I want to mention that I've updated my twitter and livejournal layouts today. Check them out! I like them :D They're similar haha.

Now, I'm gonna spend a large amount of paragraphs talking about my characters.

Lately I've been thinking about all of my characters. Which ones have their own stories, which ones are dependent on others', and so on. The less and less I RP the more and more I start coming up with my own stories and I desperately want to write them out. Like, really really badly. but I also fear that I have like 0 writing skills and I don't want to mess something up like that since I'm the only person writing it.

Our first subject is: Insaki "Ian" Hashimoto. (I made a journal for him lol. It's "ihashimoto" cause his first name is Insaki.. get it?)

His story is kind of in the early stages. Basically, he's a 20 year old japanese-american who's in school for astronomy. He during his sophomore year in college he comes face to face with his ex boyfriend, August King. Ian's parents didn't approve of his gay lifestyle nearly 2 years ago, and even though he didn't exactly want to leave August he wanted his parent's approval even more. he pushed August away and told his parents it was a phase. But, now that he's 20 and out of his parents' home, what will he do now that he and August have met again?

There's a lot of drama centric events around this story. My first problem is that I lack characters in this. I have Ian, his parents, August, their mutual friend Natalie and August's mother thought out. Plus, Ian's dog Whitey. Not to mention I don't have a conclusion for this story either, just the beginning and climax.

The band Passion Pit has a lot of songs that remind me of this couple. Like, rly. This song would be from August's POV:

"You're just like your father
Buried deep beneath the water
Your pressing on your laurel
Is stepping on my toes
Whose side are you on?
What side is this anyway?
Put down your sword and crown
Come lay with me on the ground"

Basically August is saying that he knows Ian never broke up with him because he WASN'T gay, but just because he wanted his parents' approval. Who's side are you on? His Parents. The sword and crown? His parent's pride.

I dunno, there's a lot planned out with that story and if I don't get to it I'm gonna forget some. DX I wrote some plot points down a while ago but.. yeah, it was a while ago.

Next up: Characters that I've RPed

Daesio, chrissy, teliak, etc. These guys seemingly have more story than any of my other characters ever. They have been through MANY plots and storylines. But I got to thinking a few days ago.. I made these characters specifically for a certain RP. How could I possibly develop them as if those storylines haven't happened? I didn't have these characters until this RP was started, so it's like going back in time and setting up a foundation for a building that's already there.. a really really tall building (stories) with no foundation. Wow, nice on the spot metaphor, Zen. You know what I mean? It's gonna be hard and I'm still not sure if I can, but It wouldn't hurt to figure out my characters' fundamentals.

Which brings me to another story idea I had: Rubis and Saphy. These guys are old man, probably before 2003 or something. I don't even remember... and they were irkens. But one day I was at work and I spent all day just thinking to myself about writing them in a different context. As humans. Skye (Rubis' father) is still an assassin of his father's underground assassin ring, and Skye adopted Rubis because he killed Rubis' biological father. this organization only kills people who deserve it.. This entire storyline was actually RPed by TiB and I years and years ago.. and I have only just now realized how much it could play into a real world setting. Even as irkens, even before TiB and I RPed this (it was an alternate universe thing, they were humans even) Skye ends up killing Rubis' biological father because he is a serial killer. This has been in Rubis' past for probably 7+ years and I only have just now REMEMBERED that.

Rubis would somehow find out about this, I was thinking possibly finding news clippings from 1994 (making him 16 now) about how a man was killed in his home (Rubis' father) and the baby was missing, Rubis. he had been given Skye's last name of course, but still.. Rubis would see that and be like "woah a baby named Rubis was stolen in the same year I was born...." and he'd probably go ask his parents lol. THIS IS ALL SO.. WEIRD FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT. these characters are SO OLD holy shit it blows my mind to think that YES, there IS potential. Saphy on the other hand has no parents and would live with a bunch of other kids at a foster home. Her and Rubis would go to school together and well.. Rubis finds out about the assassin organization, tells saphy, and eventually (maybe a few weeks later?) someone notices that a specific IP address had gone looking for those news clippings about rubis.. and they locate Skye and pin him as the murderer for that crime so long ago. They'd try to take Rubis back, but he ends up running away with Saphy and they attempt to live on their own.

THIS SERIOUSLY BLOWS MY MIND you don't understand. it's been in their history, to be adopted, saphy to have no parents, Skye to have killed Rubis' real father, and for them to run away. it's ALL been there for YEARS and I'm only JUST NOW APPLYING IT in a REAL WORLD WAY. It def needs more work and stuff but ffff. I could do so much with this.. and I realized this all like two days ago. .__.

My last point is another story that popped into my mind: Lipton the Breloom. Yes, a pokemon fanfic I guess you'd call it?

The story is this breloom, lipton, was super strong and belongs to no one. he lived around the Hoenn town of Pacifilog, a city which was built to float on the water. He'd stayed around that town for years and gotten to know a family there. A father, his daughter and his pokemon, a Flareon. But during a huge storm caused by Kyore and Groudon, the town of Pacifilog is torn apart. Lipton attempts to save the Flareon, holding her arm and keeping her above water. But as he's holding her to the dock, the house the family lives in is about to be swept away, and the young girl is by the front door with flareon's egg in her arms. Flareon tells Lipton to let go of her to save the girl and her baby. He lets go and saves the girl and the egg. Flareon was washed away and was never seen again.

Years later, Lipton has trained on his own, roaming all over the pokemon regions attempting to be faster and stronger. he feels if he was faster that day that he could have saved everyone. Since that day he has taken a vow of silence. Lipton encounters the same girl and her Eevee in Lavender town. She recognizes him and is delighted to see Lipton. he saved her life after all! But he can hardly look at the Eevee.. he's responsible for his mother's death, he believes. They meet up with an elderly woman in town who gives them a place to stay for the night. She has a special Abra, who can speak telepatically (like mewtwo?) Lipton starts using him as a bridge to tell the girl and the Eevee how ashamed he is without breaking his silence.

Past this point I'm not really sure what goes on. I assume the old lady gives the abra to them and the daughter starts her gym league adventure with the three pokemon.

The problem with this story is that it.. needs more story. :I there's not really a climax or anything, it's got nothing but exposition. IDK.

That about sums it up I suppose. If you read that, all of it... well, I really truly thank you. If you think it's all lame as hell I don't blame you, ahah. I just wanted to get these thoughts out. If you did read all of it, please comment saying so. Seriously, you're awesome if you did. <3 Some of these (well, all) stories are important to me and I hope I can keep developing their stories.

music, rp, pokemon, twitter, tl;dr, characters

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