Your top 5 pokemon of all time:
1. Quagsire
2. Breloom
3. Cyndaquil
4. Dragonite
5. Kangaskhan (SO MANY MORE POKEMON my top 5 change like all the time except quagsire and breloom :( )
Your top 5 legendary:
1. Raikou
2. Lugia
3. Ho-Oh
4. uhhh Jirachi idk
5. landmin idk
Top 5 pokemon that you think are ugly/obnoxious:
1. BONSLY i hate that fucker
2. geodude LOL
3. idk probably a lot of gen 3/4 pokes (I like some of them though!)
4. OH UH Regi guys
5. happiny or whatever ffff
Top 5 pokemon you forget are pokemon:
1. Meowth LOL I mean I know he is but I see meowth and just think of cats
2. god idk :( how can i pick
3. i skip this
Top 5 favourite games:
2. Leaf green/Fire red
3. Pokemon Pinball (the first one)
4. SSB: Brawl
5. Pokemon Rumble
Out of your favourite type, top 5:
(Shit, what's my favorite type? ...I'd say normal, water or dragon... LET'S DO ALL THREE)
1. Kangaskhan/Quagsire/Dragonite
2. Dunsparce/Blastoise/Dragonair
3. Meowth/Vaporeon/Dratini? lol
4. Zigzagoon/Squirtle/Garchomp??
5. Furret/Totodile/Flygon?? idklol