life update!

Sep 17, 2014 06:00

SO It's been a very long time!!! like almost half a year since my last journal update. daaamn. A lot has happened!

For about 3 weeks in June/early July Jade's friend Alex came to visit. They met online years ago through some friends and were friends ever since, and having him come visit (their first time meeting!) was super fun. He's a really great person and so fun to hang out with! I liked him right from the start, and I started liking him enough to have a crush on him... So I took the first step and just straight up told him that I liked him, not knowing if he was interested what-so-ever. It was a bold move, but it ended up working out splendidly! Because Alex is now my boyfriend!!!!!

I have a boyfriend now! Before he flew back to Utah we were really torn on whether or not we should try the whole long-distance relationship thing. Both of us had previously had negative experiences with LDRs before, but we hit it off so well that we decided to give it a go! And let me tell you, it's been wonderful. Of course we miss each other like crazy, but I love this guy more and more every day. It's been a little over 2 months now, but it feels like it's been forever. Maybe 2 months isn't enough time to fall in love, but uh, I guess I'd have to disagree with that haha. We were both very deliberate with our feelings and made absolutely sure of what we felt before voicing our feelings for one another. It feels like we've really been taking things slow!

I just feel really, really happy and we're so good with one another! I'm really happy!!!!! Alex and I won't get to see each other until March, at the earliest. I'm not sure how that will work out, because I have to ask for the time off at my new job!

I don't work at the movie theater anymore because I got a position at DHL, where Jade works!! And GET THIS: I even work in Jade's department, at the same time and NEXT TO HER DESK! Jade and I carpool together everyday! It works out really well :) This job pays way, way more than my theater job ever did and it's ten times easier. It can be a little complicated trying to get used to all the rules and stuff, but once you know all the rules it's just looking at a computer screen and clicking things while listening to music and sitting in front of a toasty space heater. Super easy, and it pays well!!! I'm really glad to have money again and I'm saving up!

I've just generally been much, much happier lately. I guess having an awesome boyfriend and an awesome job can really do wonders for your disposition! I think the only thing that I've been disappointed about is my own artistic growth. It's my own fault for not trying hard enough. Sometimes I wonder if I have what it takes to even be a part of the industry. It's my dream, but dreaming isn't enough. I'm never gonna get there if I don't work at it.

Anyway that's all I can think about to write! Seriously I post all my life happenings on twitter, much better place for daily updates. I have moved on from LJ so much lol, even though I don't really want to...? No one posts anymore including myself, twitter is where everyone is at! But I like twitter a lot more than LJ so YEAHHH.

too many feelings, think positive, this is good stuff, update, relationship

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