
Sep 06, 2006 18:53

Went to the dentist today and had two fllings and a "built up" procedure. Basically they drill a whole in my tooth, scrape out the decay and fill it with build-up material, whatever that may be. Man... Ive never heard such aweful drilling. So scary. I was sure that the anestetic would have missed a part of my tooth and I would have shot up been stuck to the ceiling like a cat. My teeth hurt so bad earlier that I called the doc and asked for a pain prescription. He said Im either going to have to have a root canal or have a tooth extracted. >.<

Another ouch, I totally gave blood today. ^_^ I love doing that.

I made the best blackberry pie earlier. It was a little runny, but still muiy delicioso. (I think I spelled that right...) As I was having some, part of my filling came out (the access stuff) and I totally chewed it up. Eeewwwww! Crunchy.
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