
Oct 19, 2006 10:19

Ever get those days where you're just annoyed by just about everyone and everything? Yeah... sorta one of those days.

It's Thursday and on Thursday mornings, there is a lab that's in one of the classrooms I help proctor. I'm in a separate little alcove away from everyone, but people still shuffle through here to enter and to go to the printers. I just am feeling way too annoyed by the simple presence of people walking back to the printers. I really wish this class would conclude and go away, as every person who ambles by is getting the "hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck BACK THE FUCK OFF" vibe ringing through my head. Every little noise people make is inching my aggro meter up a notch with each second they're there making noise. People talking on their cell phones make the aggro meter jump a few notches instead of just one.

This week has been a week of laziness and procrastination. I have a 4 page paper due tomorrow... haven't started it. I'll have to get on that today, seriously. I'm just really wanting a break. I can work like a mad-man for only so long before I start to JUST NOT CARE. And, I'm reaching that point, I think. Tomorrow is, at least a day off. Going to relax at home, finish my paper (at least in the comfort of my own home!) and do a whole lot of nothing else. Saturday is the world series (GO TIGERS!) and Sunday and Monday are extra bonus days... Yeah, 4 day weekends and I'm STILL in need of a break?! People in 9-5, 40 hr work week jobs are laughing at me. Hey, buddy, you try working for no pay on shit you don't want to work on, that you probably suck at doing and have noclue about how you're doing in them. Just... fuck off or something. This is MY sob story, goddamnit. :P

Yeah, that's the other thing... At OCC, there was an easy way for me to judge how I was doing in my classes. There was either the school work that was graded and returned, or there are the tests or the progress is put up on a website for you to take note of whenever you wanted. There are sorta the same things here, but this place is so new, the pressure to do well so much stronger and the work load so much larger and different that even when I get back papers, assignments and exams with A's and other good grades, I'm still plagued by uncertainty. It sucks. SUCKS I TELL YOU!

I think... on Saturday... I'm going to Dave's house, gonna watch the World Series and get totally plowed. I need a little release like that. It's not that I use alcohol as an escape or get-away. It's not necessary, but the little stresses and worries are omnipresent, even when I'm enjoying my weekend. Get buzzed or way fucked up and all those things get drowned and lost in the buzz and blur of the alcohol. It's nice, just for a while, to not have that small-but-constant pressure. Of course, if you're bad at it, you get the hangover at the end, but you begin to learn where your limit is. ;)

Anyhow, I'll wrap this up... homework calls. One stupid discussion question to do, begin the 4 page paper (at least make an outline) and get some math homework done? I doubt I'll get to the last one.

I'm also thinking of writing a story. I don't mean to work on anything to the extent of NaNoWriMo, but something just as a little release. Writing all this stuff for school gets my juices going, and I start to begin to realize that not only is writing (ok, TYPING) fun, but I think I'm pretty damn good at it. Of course, I've got way too much stuff to do to work on it more than an hour here or there, but I think it would be a lot of fun. I'm putting around the idea of a WoW-themed short story. It's just a nice medium that I already know the story to, and so do a lot of other people... so it's easy to work with. Probably incorporate a few guildie's chars in there to have a little fun and make them try to figure out who I'm talking about. Eh, just a fun little side-project. Gotta have that release. I just need to get a good idea. I want something short, but nothing too short as to just be a page or two. I want this to be a real short story... meaning 8 pages or more. Which means, of course, that I have to find an idea that is not only simple enough to be condensed like that, but also long enough to be easily stretched out without being too tedious. Since the main char would probably be my hunter, I was toying with the idea of using the epic bow quest. Thinking upon that, I still think it's probably a good idea, I just need to sit down and do a little outline to get it all fleshed out. Of course, the quest is meant to be solo, so I'm going to have to take some creative liberties with it to make it more story-worthy and more able to incorporate extra characters.

K, I'm off to get some work done, and all this typing and coffee has made my hands to jittery to type non-stop like this (typing out class questions has pauses -- thinking time ;) )

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