Apr 07, 2002 21:26
Yeah, I was kinda down last night, so I didn't really give ya the full update.
Friday night we went swimming at the Ipswich YMCA, me Hayley Sam Matt and Lindsey. It was great fun, with mucho "water sex". We felt each others tongues, Lindsey pleasured herself with a noodle, and we all feared... THE CLIFF!!! *scary music*
After swimming, Hayley and Matt went home, but Sam and I went with Linz to her house where we raided her cupboards for food and nourishment. Lime nacho chips are weird. Those lime chips must have had some weird side-effect on Sam, 'cause she was crazy.
Saturday morning I was up bright and early to lose against Danvers 6-5. Then I went to the optomitrist, and then back to bed.
Saturday night we watched movie's at Lindsey's place, the same gang with the addition of the now-single Ian (yes, she dumped him). Ian's made a remarkable come-back, back into his funny good spirits, and he's back to hanging out with us again. We missed him. We watched some Clerks the Cartoon (sweeeeeeeeet show) and Animal House. Both were hilarious, though I liked Clerks slightly better (despite the significant lack of nudity). Then I went home all moody 'cause I was tired.
Sunday I sang a solo in church, and sucked majorly. That afternoon, Linz Hayley Sam and I went biking to the Audubon. We took Sam's TOP SECRET trail to sneak in, hid our bikes, and Rockeried it up. We found and distributed each of our sex altars. Me and Lindsey made out, high above the caves while Sam and Hayley snuck up behind us and watched. Then we fed the birds and went home. Oh yeah, and Sam's a better tree climber than I am.
That's it. G'night.