T-Shirt Heck

Aug 14, 2007 11:47

Some of you are aware that the excellent
drawgirl and her boyfriend have spent the last six months starting up a screen printing business. The majority of their creative juices have been poured into their t-shirt lines, and finally, finally they have the website up, so that I may pimp it.

drawgirl's line of cutie-macabre babydolls is the Peppermint Shrimp label. And Slasher's line is No Idol, which I like to call "Shirts for the discerning gentleman to get his ass kicked in." Check them out; the site is still vaguely under construction but you can see the shirts and of course make purchases. 
drawgirl has a few more coming soon, so check back periodically if you're interested (she's got to, ahem, get our former house settled before she gets a chance to produce more shirts).

At least one of you have expressed dissatisfaction with American Apparel babydoll shirts. If you like a Peppermint Shrimp shirt but don't want to strap your bosoms down in the waifish constraints of what American Apparel considers "medium," let me or
drawgirl know and we can work something out on a O/S shirt. All the No Idol shirts are a bit bigger, and they can also always get bigger sizes if you like a looser fit. They are way flexible.

slasher, shirts, drawgirl

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