Life: pasta and uni

Jul 13, 2007 00:12

So I was on an insane mood the other day and felt like cooking. And so I cooked some pasta for lunch. (now you guys might know why sometimes when i say I'll brb go for lunch I take forever)
Just found the photo I took then

Yes, I threw abit too much parmesan cheese on. But I love cheeeseeee.

Its pretty sad that many people thinks that homemade pasta=bottled sauce.
Seriously, go chop your own tomatoes, onions, mushrooms etc. Its much nicer than those bottle ones... And yes, I made a mistake I should have diced rather than slice the onions here. Its not that nice like that >.<"

Also, the university application I did sometime ago replied. I'm accepted woo hoooo!!!!
Now I am waiting for the admin package to arrive so I can complete the application ^___^

food, life

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