Aug 20, 2009 23:36
I really want my license like naw.
2007 yamaha v-star XVS650 classic,1300 miles at around 900usd.(cheaper than quite a lot of dolls >__>"""")
Yes its not perfect, been laid down and have scratched fenders and windscreen but I've checked for the cost of fenders and replacing them will be 500+
I think the wind screen is ugly anyway so would just remove it and wear a full face helmet or something instead.
Still a steal >___<
Especially when i had every intention to custom paint mine anyway. Getting a set of unpainted fenders vs damaged ones will just make me work on it more and procrastinate less. If its perfect in all honesty... I would probably end up too lazy to paint it. Oh, and it have an ugly decal on the gas tank. If repainting fenders that would need to be repainted to match so it won't matter if removing the decal remove some paint too..
The interest in painting garage kits might help much more than i think hahahahaha
First airbrushing in some paintings to get away with gradients and flats easily, then doll painting, soon automobile custom painting...
Need... to get my car license first... then 4 days of motorcycle class...
I should just start mugging the 2 book so I pass the knowledge tests at first try >_>