Cross posted from my student weblog at I’m finding it hard to comprehend at present but I have finally completed my BSc degree.
The road has been a long one that started in 1997 and there have been many highs and lows along the way. Some years I could not bring myself to register for a course, some years I quit only to restart the following February and some years I considered quitting all together. Things finally came together in the last two years and with the support of those closest to me I stuck it out.
After my father died in August I was not sure if I wanted to attend a graduation as it was a day that I expected him to be there to witness, thinking on it further and with Ursi’s support and caring “He would want you to go and he will be there with you” speech I have changed my mind. I will be attending graduation, to wear the gown and have my picture taken with my certificate. My future wife and mother will be there with me and my father will be in my heart and mind.
My life has changed drastically since this time last year, these changes have made me more determined and more focused on the things that matter most in life.