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I finally did something I should have done years ago. I quit my job. It's been quite a process to find something that I felt would be better for me. I'm moving out of the semiconductor industry (yay!) and into the world of cell phone software (woo hoo!). Most of the time, I just sort of felt it wasn't worth the effort to look for another job. But now I'm glad I got myself out of thinking that way. Here's to the future!
I'm getting a bit nervous about starting my new job on Monday. I don't know what to expect, and the field will be very different for me. But everyone seemed really friendly and excited about my writing abilities.
I'm working hard on trying to make more positive changes to my life, but it isn't always easy. I still have problems with my ankle, which makes me tend to hide from my own life. I haven't been going out much; I'm still afraid of injuring myself again. I find it too easy to just stay at home and turn on the TV and tune out. But, I'm taking a few small steps, like working on a few small art projects, meditating, reading, and of course, photography.
The month of May really knocked me over, but at the same time, I'm really grateful. True it wasn't easy to "sell myself" on all of those interviews and get rejected a few times, but I feel like I got to unpeel another layer of myself and get in touch with my own strength. And that is a good thing!