(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 14:25

The mohawk is gone, but it was fun while it lasted. Anton forgot what setting he used on the rest of my hair and so went with 5, the problem being that that was too short, so now my whole head is buzzed to the shortest level it's been since oh...I was BORN. Oddly enough however, EVERYONE seems to love it this short, and it is growing on me somewhat (no pun intended).

Noor left last night to go spend time with her family (which was getting very pissed at her not coming home for 4 weeks. But not before we wandered around together getting stares left and right (she in the hajib, jeans and a long sleeve shirt and me in my mohawk, ratty jeans and vote for change t-shirt).

Last night sucked arse. It was supposed to be Wing Night, and Molly, Cassandra and Drew were going to come over, except they took so long that by the time we got there they were out (and I was starving). I couldn't afford to buy beers at their outrageous prices so I went home for an hour while they got (more) drunk. When they came back they convinced me to go with them back to Cassandra's for Pizza, and smoke some houka, but I only ate one slice (in lieu of wings I was forced into two huge Salami and Mustard Sandwiches). I also had the bottom of my houka fall and shatter (additionally, Molly broke my Bubbler accidentally last week) and Drew lost his baggie. So no wings, broken houka, and Drew was out $60.

Had a very weird dream last night in which I was charged in the protection of Jesus as a child so he could grow up safely and prepare the world for armaggedon. I imagine this dream, unlike the dreams I usually remember, will not come true at some later date. I was woken up by Anton's Dad pounding on the door while he and I pretended not to be there. Anton's dad managed to find our apartment without Anton telling him the number. This has lead to several instances of him fleeing the room in quick order because he thought his dad was coming to see (read nag/yell at) him.
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