the lucky birthday boy surrounded by his friends.
i drink beer because i'm proletarian.
emily helped me drink beer because she's awesome.
erin doesn't like beer.
while drinking, people usually feel the need to pose. [jesse, me, jenny, em]
haley's indomitable good cheer overwhelms an inebriated gautham.
jenny has an amazingly large mouth. it's amazing.
i do, too. i actually have about six photos from that night of myself gape-mouthed.
gautham is full of good cheer, as are jenny and haley (aka 'h-bomb')
my cute best friends.
erin is cute as always, and i make really strange faces when i'm drunk.
after a certain point (pint?), everything was humorous.
awwww. jenny and her boyfriend joel.
[the worst photo EVER taken of me was taken that night. too many people have already seen it. if you had, you would respond the way erin did:]
we envelop faa in a drunken sandwich.
the end.