Tweet Tweet!!

Mar 28, 2011 19:37

Oiii~! Minna Saaaan! ^^ Ogenki desuka?

I hope your all doing well!! ^^ Its been a while since I've updated since I got my new job.. its been tough... -sigh- so tired >.<
Anyways I just wanted to let everyone know that I got my new phone (after 2 months of saving up paychecks kehe...)
And so I started using my twitter more often nau... so if you have one too and would like to talk heres my twitter user ^^


If you tweet me I'll be sure to tweet you back :D I'd love to talk to everyone!! ^^ okies well bai bai oh one more thing!!! DEEP SIX PV is aesome! X3 lol that is all will talk laters ^^

Mata ne!!!
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