Okay, right now I'm avoiding writing a report for my class. So instead, I'm going to talk about sexuality. Namely, my own.
I am a confirmed bisexual. I like men, and I like women. I currently have a girlfriend (though we had a conversation once about how long-term we were that ended up with me in tears for reasons I will explain later), and I love her very much, and she loves me too.
For me, being bisexual is very elemental and very easy. I never had a problem with liking girls unlike both my girlfriend and my roommate. They both had minor (or major) sexual crisis, but it always seemed that liking both girls and boys was natural for me. There was never a "I'm not supposed to look at women like that", but just a "She's pretty," and "He's cute". Now, mind you, I seem to like boys more than girls. As in, I will comment more frequently on Boys Being Hot rather than Girls Being Hot. The reason why actually has to do with my two best friends. I have been spoiled by two very different women who are both very beautiful.
On one hand, we have Hiko. She's....voluptuous. Huge...tracks of land, if you know what I mean. She has a very pretty face, lush lips, hair that curls only at the bottom, and is shaped like an HOURGLASS. Very much a woman. A WOMANLY woman. Given the opportunity, I know she would never date me, because she's straight (but finds women attractive), but I wouldn't mind kissing her.
On the other, we have Pixie (
prettypixiechan, my girlfriend). BUILT LIKE TINKERBELL, NO JOKE. Small, tiny waist, hips that I love, ass to die for. She dresses like a dyke, and she's hot. I do get laid by that on a regular basis.
So my standards for women are MUCH HIGHER than my standards for men, because of my two best friends.
But if you ever wanted to know what I meant by Standards for men, it adds up to this:
I like guys with crooked smiles and nice mouths and fit bodies. I just can't... explain it really. When it comes to girls, it's even harder for me to explain. So I won't try. (Also, I am an ass-girl. I LOVE ME MY BUNS) But PEOPLE are more important to me than what they look like (though it's a huge bonus for them to look nice). So I just... really want people to be chill with everything.
Bisexual people actually get a lot of hate. Straight people hate them, gay people hate them. They're portrayed as the sluts of the sexual world, because they are treated like they just can't choose one. I can't blame them, since a lot of bisexual people I know use the label of bisexual as an excuse to have both a boyfriend AND a girlfriend at the SAME TIME. But that's not how it is. At least not with me. I just like them both, equally. I'm not going to cheat on someone I'm dating JUST BECAUSE I'M BI. I'm just liking the women and the men. Deal.
And then, when a bisexual person chooses someone to live with and love, it's referred to as them "Picking to be straight/gay" and that's NOT IT. They're STILL BI. They just love that one person. Apparently, in society, it's better to be just one or the other, but there are so many people who are varying degrees of Bi. Equal bi, preferring women, preferring men, likes women only to look at not sexually, likes men only to look at not sexually, wants to have both a boyfriend and a girlfriend (CALLED POLYAMORY, AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT EITHER).
All of these thoughts are ones that I've had because of a site that
dualshine posted up called "Sex is Not the Enemy". They talk about this, and I have to agree with almost everything they say. Go check it out. Be warned, though. Images are NOT SAFE FOR WORK, in other words, don't look at them when your mom is standing behind you.
(For the people who might be curious as to what I meant by me being in tears by the end of a conversation, don't get the wrong idea. Pixie is a lovely, wonderful person, and I love her very much. But she was being very honest with me when she told me that we probably wouldn't be very long term. I appreciate that, and I started crying because I wanted her to find someone who can love her properly and forever. No holds barred. And I wanted her to love that someone back. I was sad because it couldn't be me, but I have her right now, and part of me knows that I'm going to cherish this as much as I can.)
Alright, I think I've talked enough. Sorry about this, I sorta just wanted to say it. But to bring the mood back up, here's a little snippet of something that Pixie and I are working on:
Axel leaned in to kiss Roxas, humming contentedly against the blonde’s mouth. The humming turned interested a second later and Axel grabbed Roxas’s face in his hands, plundering his mouth with his tongue, Roxas squirming beneath him.
“Axel, what was that for?” Demyx scolded once Axel pulled off. The redhead smacked his lips, running his tongue over them curiously.
“Dude, you taste like Sonic,” he said to Roxas, who was coughing on the floor next to him. “That’s pretty damn ama….” He trailed off, staring at Demyx. “What do you taste like?”
Demyx flailed backwards, trying to get away from Axel’s grasping hands. “No no nonononono, Axel, doooon’t!!”
The world spun slightly as Demyx stood to run, and Axel just pressed warm and lean against his back, turning his head to kiss him thoroughly.
“Milkshakes. You take like milkshakes.” Axel laughed, shaking his head as he leaned back. Demyx turned to pout at him manfully. (Manly pouting. It could happen.)
“I do not!”
“Really?” Roxas asked, standing up. “I wanna taste.” He reached up to grab Demyx’s face in his hands, but the taller blonde pulled away, thumping loudly into the wall behind him.
Axel grinned and picked Roxas up easily so the two blondes were at the same height. “There you go, Roxy.” Roxas whooped excitedly and lunged forward to kiss Demyx, swiping his tongue across Demyx’s lips.
Demyx just squirmed and pouted as Roxas kissed him. He most certainly did NOT kiss back. At all.
(Okay, maybe a little bit).
“You know,” a dry voice said from the door. “You can tell me if you’re in a threesome. It’s okay.”
And Demyx looked past Roxas and Axel to see Zexion standing there, eyebrow raised and books in hand.
Axel, setting Roxas down carefully amidst the blonde’s exclamations of how Demyx really DID taste like milkshakes, smirked at Zexion. “We totally are.”
“NO WE’RE NOT!” Demyx squeaked, face turning red. “Not! In! A! Threesome!”
“He’s just shy,” Axel stage-whispered, grinning wickedly. “We are.”
It's from something we're co-writing. Where about half to three-quarters of the dialogue are things we have actually said. (I was Axel at the beginning of this and it spiraled from there.) ((Also, the title is The Epic Length Story of How Demyx Won Zexion (and incidentally got everyone else together along the way), in case you were curious.))