So, I know that I've been down for a bit, kinda have dropped out of the face of the earth, but I'm still alive, I promise!
Fic Progress: (Because RL is SO secondary to fics XD
Pants 'R' Us -
Bad News - Despite having the entire story laid out in nice big bold letters, I have hit a major writing block. Bits and pieces are slowly getting sewn together, but it's taking MUCH longer than I want.
Good News - I have two separate people looking at the fic, so they can tell me things they liked, didn't like, things I need to change, and other good beta-ing things like that. One of them is
prettypixiechan, and the other is my roommate Tyna, so I really have two completely different looks on this. Pixie's a writer, and she thinks like one, and Tyna thinks and read like a fan.
Better News - Pixie and I have decided that Pants 'R' Us is probably going to become a 'verse. There's just a lot to the story that doesn't get told, and it has potential, maybe not to become a sequalled fic, but just to keep going with things that may not have anything to do with each other. (Also, because we changed each others' names in our phones and then decided to figure out everyone's last name, because Zexion and Demyx have one, but the others don'tdidn't. And because Hancock is a funny last name.)
The Twilight Between and Devil in Your Hands-
Bad News - This fic is taking longer to get off the ground than I'd like, but it's a really huge project and I want to do it well. (Yes, I sorta consider them as the same fic, since they're just from different point of view.) I have next to nothing written on the actual chapters, and I have only half of the chapters pre-semi outlined. I might just start writing and get a couple of chapters done and then start posting and see what my readers come up with, since you all have some pretty good ideas.
Good News - I actually do know what I want to have happen for three quarters of the fic. The ending is not set yet at all, and I'm a little bit iffy between two major plot points, but that should iron itself out really well.
Better News - It's still infecting my brain, so this will not be an abandoned project! Any suggestions (from the very, VERY little information you have so far) are appreciated, and trust me, any little bit makes me think of new things!
No other fics are really important right now, aside from those.
Classes are trying to kill me, and I'm sorta stressed right now since the first round of tests is coming up. Doing waaaaaay better in my Metallurgical Thermodynamics class than I thought I was (ranked six out of twenty-some-odd). Not sure about Physics, but I have a test later today, so I guess I'll find out. Definitely enjoying Properties and Structures of Materials and its lab (blacksmithing knowledge FTW!), but enjoying it doesn't make the stress any less.
I've gotten a bit of personal stress that has to do with romance (not sure how much I want to put up here, but needless to say, things are interesting/wonderful now, and a little bit strained in another section).
Also. I'm hungry. *does want food*
Oh, and my roommates and I got a cat. His name is Arthur (yes after the Arthur from Inception, because he's black and white and looks like he's wearing a suit!), and he's a little odd, but he's cute and wonderful, even when he's yowling at the door at night.
Not much going on other than that, really. Trying to keep playing Kingdom Hearts 2 for the marathon (it's not much of a marathon), so we can finally get to Birth By Sleep!
Things that make me irrationally and randomly happy: My washcloths with dragons on them!
So, any news with anyone out here?