May 17, 2006 21:12
Viking is addicted to TV: fine, i think we all know that.
I am not, i think we all know that too.
Viking cannot sleep without the TV on.
I cannot sleep with it on.
Viking is currently refusing to sleep with me.
So I sleep downstairs, he sleeps upstairs.
But TV is downstairs.
****dilemma time****
It's all very well if I am on computer till same time or preferably after he gets into his jim-jams & trundles off to dreamland.It's far from all right if I want to go to bed first since he is reclining on it watching TV.
So: He has what appears to be a fairly sensible idea:
"Why don't we swap my smaller TV which has handle, for your larger one? You never watch TV anyway unless i am here, this means if you want to go to bed i take it upstairs & carry on watching"
*Idiot features here remembers he has previously whinged that his is on the blink, plus he's just acquired a free DVD player, so chances of innocent motives are less than nil*
Nonetheless; if it means a remote possibility of sleep i will probably go for it. The TV here is not one of yer plasma screen lightweight jobbies, it is bloody enormous & weighs a ton, the one in his place is much smaller; i could carry it easily.
His bamboo cabin is on the 3rd floor (no lift/elevator)so we are talking a LOT of steps. He is a big strong male humanoid but is 52 & hardly in peak fitness. (I could suggest some sodding exercises!)
The TV antenna connexion in the bedroom is dodgy to say the least, "never employ friends brothers to do these things" but with a bit of wiggling & no movement on the bed it *might* work.
Now, Viking's current TV (which incidentally came free from the friend mentioned above, so he should be sodding grateful) is an integral part of a carefully designed bamboo, raffia, clothes pegs, corks & video collection. extracting it will be rather like taking apart the DNA hub.
My big jobbie simply sits quietly on a box & does what it's told "Entertain the viking for gods sake!"
Logic probably isn't my strongest point but it seems to me that screaming hysterically at 3 am "I kidnap your TV now!" is not the wisest way to go about this. I have just sent 13 text messages suggesting he:
Disengage his little one
Bring it here
We find out if it works in the bedroom
If not, we try & sort the connexion problem
We may have to wiggle the antenna; which lives in the attic, attic has no lighting, so i suspect this is best done in daylight
If little TV works, fine, he can take biggie away when he next departs & spend many happy hours re-arranging the bamboo cabin around it
If it doesn't work, we have to think again. This may involve phoning the brother, again, probably best done in daylight, not at 3am.
If all goes well, viking can stagger up the stairs with Big TV, but again, best not done at 3am, the lights in his apartment block are on a time switch & possibly the neighbours may not appreciate imploding TV's & hysterical vikings outside their door at this hour.
If he buggers this up & drops the thing, he ends up with:
An extremely murderously inclined zendevil (as opposed to the usual state of moderately murderous)who is $80 poorer
Possible injury to self (from TV, zendevil & maybe neighbours)
Possible damage claim from the council
Probable hate campaign from the neighbours
A large gap where his TV used to be, no amount of raffia will fill this.
Ah well, we shall see......