Jun 03, 2011 12:31
Mr. President,
It's high time that you made some comment about the all-out war on reproductive rights in this country. A committee in Louisiana just approved a bill that would ban all abortion if passed, full stop, no exceptions. Every single state in this country has legislation in the works to restrict choice - to restrict bodily autonomy for women.
What do you say about this? What is your opinion? Are you pretending that nothing's wrong? Are you throwing more than half of the population of this country under the bus?
The language of the LA bill is sickening with its humanization of fetii and complete dehumanization of women. It would grant all rights of an existing (male, because female humans are clearly just incubators) human at fertilization. Fertilization. So if someone miscarries, will they be charged with murder? If someone eats the wrong food during pregnancy, is it abuse? What if the pregnant person falls badly? Is in a car accident? This is not an oversimplification of the concept. These are potential very real consequences.
I am a human being, Mr. Obama. This is not a 'special interest' issue. It's my fucking life. And you're not saying a damn thing.
I hoped, along with so many others, that you would be better than this. What do you have to say for yourself?
To you, am I a person? Am I human? Or am I just a uterus? An incubator?
Because that's what they would have me be.
Please, for the love of everything holy and un, say something about this. Do something about this. You're the goddamned President.