Another game to design!

Sep 09, 2008 14:13

Having never quite properly caught up on my sleep and what with having been up until 5am after the party, I found myself last night so tired by 20:00 that I dragged myself off to bed for a nap. I'd really started to flat much earlier in the day but figured it crazy to go to sleep so early and tried to stay away so that I could be tired enough to get a good night's sleep, but without doing much active work I simply struggled to stay awake. Initially just hoping for a bit of a "catch up" nap after a few hours I figured I might as well just call it quits and sleep for the whole night have loads of sleep and wake up refreshed (hopefully) and early.

Well, the early part was definitely true. By 5am I was in that same state of mind that I am just before I'm thinking about getting up at about any other day that I don't have to be anywhere. Of course, this was far too early for me to actually get up so I let my brain run rampant with ideas, etc, and it's in this state of mind that I've often had a lot of my best ideas in the past. Well, I'm genuinely not sure where this idea came from or how it started to formulate; all I know is that for several hours I lay in the darkness of the early morning forming what was to become a board game I'm quite excited about. Ever since starting work on "The Game That Shall Not (Yet) Be Named" I've been feeling an itch to design more games. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while but never quite got myself motivated to actually do it, but since actually creating the prototype deck the creative juices have been flowing and while not every idea has been fully formed clearly something has been ticking away back there and this idea just kind of sprang to my consciousness almost fully formed like Athena from Zeus' forehead. I say "almost" because the idea that came to me first is now actually just the end half of the game as I then continued to mentally develop the rest of the game into the second half of the game. I really should cite Philip K. Dick as a great influence on the initial idea (specifically the short story Colony) but it has since evolved beyond just that. Furthermore, I still need to work out the actual game-play, the precise mechanics of the components, etc.

Clearly such an early night has been good for me, although since it is not a card game I have no idea (yet) how exactly I'm going to go about constructing a prototype of the game. After finally getting up and dealing with my dailies (such as responding to emails) I got to the task of writing down my ideas so that I don't forget them... after all, I still have one game to finish before I start work on another.

games, the game that shall not (yet) be named

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