I hate I hate I hate I hate IE6. We hates it we hates it we hates it we do.
My hatred for IE6 has escalated beyond having no limits, beyond the stratosphere into phenomenally incomprehensibly astronomical ever-expanding odium infinitus. It is the bane of all web designers; a burden that we do not deserve that must carry for the next umpteen years until it is as obsolete as
I truly think that I hate this more than anything in my life. Why?
here, I quote:
1. Bad CSS rendering.
2. - 100. Bad CSS rendering.
Folks, it really is that bad. Using IE6 makes Baby Buddah cry, and all the other Baby Deities spontaneously kill themselves to escape a world in which such evil exists for surly mankind is doomed to have ever been cursed with such a burden. Yet, still must toil and struggle to work around its goddamn quirks because institutions like, say, Cardiff University or even some other office places still use IE6. Not only does that screw up the CSS menu system I have on two sites, but it utterly fucking breaks layout!
So, IE8 Beta has the handy dandy Developer Tools that allows you to emulate IE7 (because IE8 appears to be almost just as broken at the moment) and also run Quirks Mode which is supposed to emulate the quirks of IE5 and IE6. Except that my layout is even more anally raped than in the screen-shot I was given of my layout in actual IE6.
I weep.