June 7th.

Jun 07, 2005 10:11

[Jun. 7th, 2004|10:51 am]
[ Current Mood | hopeful ]

Ok, so I have no idea what I am feeling or thinking right now. Mostly, I'm scared to death and I might just have to throw up. I feel sick that I can't be at the game tonight, it's the only game that matters, and I can't be there. I've been a fan longer than probably anyone in the entire fucking building, I'm learning that bandwagoners apparently have an endless supply of money to throw around. It's just funny that they won't care next year. It breaks my heart, because I feel like I should be there, but I think they know I am there in spirit. No matter what happens tonight, I am going to end up in tears like never before, I'm only praying that it's tears of joy, seeing Andy finally get to lift that cup. Seeing Mo, pass it to Vinny, and Vinny's eyes well up with tears, I'm gonna be imagining his dad's eyes welling up with tears at the exact same moment. As much as I want to be there, to talk to him, to tell them I believe in them, they know, HE knows, and he doesnt need me in his face today. They need to play thier game, from the heart, and they can't lose. I've told Vinny that so many times, and it rings true. I'm scared though.
Anyway, to try and keep my mind off this all day, since I'm not working, my friend Janet and I are going to the mall, I dunno why, cause my broke ass dont have any money, but hey, what the hell, I have no one else to hang out with. I was going to go see Harry Potter 3 tonight, but we sort of have a conflict in the scheduling, heh.
Boys...Bring it home. We all believe in you so much, and we KNOW you can do this. Though I may not be there in person, my HEART is on that ice with you every shift you take!

I thought it would be entertaining to post what I posted last year on this day. I was whacked out of my mind that day, lol. It's funny, because I actually did get to go and be at the game when they won, thanks to Christy & Kristy. We don't really talk anymore, That is a moment in time I can never forget though. The one other thing that I will never forget, was when we were driving on the way to the game, we saw a truck with a liscense plate on it that said "WIL2WIN"....can i just tell you how many tears that brought on? We were scared, but we knew we were capable of winning, and we did.
Oh, and giving Mr. Lecavalier a card before game 7, that was a surreal moment too. I love his dad, he is such a great person, and I see so much where Vinny gets his warmth from. I have a brain full of memories, but I'll spare you all.

To my boys:
I love you all, and each so much, and hope you're doing well, and remember what a wonderful day this was. I am with you always in heart and spirit. You did it!! And you will do it again, one day soon!

My heart is beating from me
I am standing all alone
Please call me only
If you are coming home.

Stanley Cup Champs 2004.... Tampa Bay Lightning.

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